Hudson Mohawk Road Runners Club

General Meeting

Point-of-Woods Community Center

March 10, 2004

7:30 PM

Attendance:  Susie Bacon, Ken Klemp, Tom Kieran, Adam Rice, Josh Merlis, Andrew Rickert, Bob Irwin, Don Wilken, Doug Bowden, Jim Moore, Jay Shelgren, Jim Thomas, Gregg Hammond, Beth Searl, Bert Soltysiak, Ray Lee, Elaine Humphrey, Jim Tierney, Debbie Beach and Jim Gilmer


        I.      Call to Order (J. Gilmer):  7:34 PM


     II.      Reading and approval of minutes (D. Beach/J. Spatz):  Motion made by – Bob Irwin with a second by Susie Bacon to accept the minutes as written.  Motion passed.


   III.      Reports of Officers

a.       President (J. Gilmer):  Jim received an e-mail regarding the November 2003 minutes from Paul Turner, which concerned missing equipment, and the e-mail was given to the Race Committee Chairperson, Doug Bowden.  A meeting of the  Membership Committee was held which consists of Julie Byrne as Volunteer Coordinator, Nancy Briskie as Membership Coordinator, Ray Newkirk, Jim Gilmer and Jim Tierney.  Nancy and Julie are working out coordinating tasks.  A report will be given in the coming months.  Jim thanked Nancy, Julie and Tom Kieran.  Jim also thanked Jim Tierney for all he has done for the Membership Committee. 

b.      Executive Vice President (B. Irwin):  Two scholarship applications have been received.  The application up on the Section 2 web site.  Ed Neiles has requested that an attorney review our scholarship process to make sure that we are technically legal. Jim Gilmer is going to pursue the request.  Asking the Section 2 secretary for the e-mail addresses of the coaches was also discussed so the scholarship applications could be sent directly to them. Bob suggested that one person continue as chairperson of the Scholarship Committee for a few years.  Currently the Executive Vice President serves as the chairperson, which means the process has to be learned every year by someone new.  Having someone leading the committee who is familiar with the process might allow things to run smoother and more efficiently.

c.       Executive Vice President – Finance (J. Thomas):  Made adjustments from previous meeting.  Membership accounts for $19,000 in revenue.   The $500.00 for clinics was added to the Publicity Committee.  As the Banquet committee did so well staying within its budget it will remain essentially the same.  The line item for the Safety Brochures was removed from the Safety Committee budget.  The revenue for the Race Committee was increased but expenses remained the same.  Administration has a budget of $4200.00.  The Pace Setter is the biggest expense item and operates at a loss.  Clothing sales is almost a break-even item and the Picnic operates at a loss as well. Jim Gilmer requested a quarterly update so that we can see how we are doing.  A motion made by:  Doug Bowden to accept the 2004 Annual Budget, which was seconded by Don Wilken. Motion passed.  Jim Gilmer thanked Jim Thomas for all of his work on developing the budget.

d.      Secretary (D. Beach/J. Spatz):  No report

e.       Treasurer (M. Hannah):  No report


  IV.      Reports of Standing Committees

a.       Membership (N. Briskie):  No report

b.      Volunteers (J. Byrne):  No report

c.       Public Relations (P. Murray):  No report

d.      Race Committee (D. Bowden):  The insurance is paid through the GHI Corporate Challenge. Jim Gilmer complimented Ken, Bob and all who helped put on Runnin’ of the Green (Island).  The new course will be certified.  Susie noted that Ken and Bob get a number of donations to offset the costs of the event.  Bob stated that directions would be on the race application.  Upcoming races - Delmar Dash. An equipment inventory will occur when the weather is warmer.

e.       Race Committee Treasurer (S. Bacon):  There was a large amount of activity in the account.  The Winter Series #5 showed a profit of $346.81 vs. $624.00 in 2003 and despite the cold weather.  The starting balance was $6457.10 and the ending balance was $25, 888.84.  There were deposits from SEFCU 2003, Winter Series #5, Winter Marathon, Fall Marathon 2003, Runnin’ of the Green (Island) and Stockade-athon 2003.  There was $2909.05 in expenses. Susie will turn about $20,000 to the Treasurer, Mike Hannah.  Jim Tierney reported receiving a check for the A.R.E. (Albany Running Exchange), which is paying all entry fees for their runners for the 2003-2004 Winter Series amounting to $192.00. This check will be given to Susie.

f.        Safety Committee (H. Hennessy):  No report

g.       Pace Setter (D. Wilken):  Don reported that Ben Greenberg has resigned as Editor effective a week ago Monday.  Ed Neiles and Don have temporally assumed the duties of editor of the Pace Setter with Jim Gilmer’s thanks.  The April issue is on schedule.  Ed is managing and Don is assisting him as needed.  Andrew has agreed to stay on as Associate Editor.  Jim Gilmer is putting together a search committee for an editor.  Don reported that they are interested in writers.  Hank Steadman is going to start writing the Back of the Pack column regularly again.  Jim Tierney will write Running into Retirement quarterly and they are also interested in finding women to write a quarterly column, as many of the writers are men.  They are looking for a Medical Editor and some articles for Short Circuits.   Don does not want people to write every month, as it is too demanding.  Josh suggested bringing the Happy Trails column back as well.  Tom Bulger will focus on local running clubs.  It has been 20 years since the cover has been re-designed.  Jay stated that people like to see the pictures in the Pace Setter but he is basically the photography staff at this time.  Jay has been covering 75-90% of the events and needs help.  The pictures cannot be digital and they do not have to be black-white.  All the film is free and there is a contract with a developer.  Andrew introduced Beth Searl who works for CDPHP and writes for them.  She has so far been the only one to respond to the ad in the Pace Setter seeking writers.


     V.      Reports of Special Committees

a.       Shrader Scholarship (B. Irwin):  See Executive Vice President’s report


b.      Grand Prix Subcommittee (B. Irwin & Jim Moore):  Jim Moore reported all three races are all up on the web. 

c.       Hall of Fame (C. Kelly): No report


  VI.      Unfinished Business

a.       2004 proposed budget (J. Thomas):  See Executive Vice President for Finance’s report

b.      PSA for Safety Campaign (J. Gilmer/J. Merlis):  Jason Shapiro, graduate University at Albany student is under contract to oversee the PSA. A meeting has been held and the group has some ideas.  A final “brainstorm” meeting will be held and then the group will start writing the script.  A.R.E. will provide the actors.  It is anticipated the project will be completed by July 1, 2004.


VII.      New Business

a.       Distinguished Service Nominations: 

·        Susie Bacon nominated Debbie Beach

·        Jay Shelgren nominated Elaine Humphrey

·        Jim Tierney nominated Cameron & Mike McLean

·        Doug Bowden nominated Pete Newkirk

·        Don Wilken nominated Vince Juliano


                        At the April meeting, a brief presentation will be made on each nominee or                                 nominees, followed by the voting.


b.      Pace Setter Editor Search Committee:  Jim does not have a chairperson yet.  He would like Don, Ed and Andy to serve on the committee.  The Pace Setter is an important document for the club. 

c.       Development of strategic planning committee:  Please read Jim’s President’s column for March.  He will not establish a committee until June and requested if people were interested, to please contact him.

                                                               i.      Review of Club communications:  One of the first jobs of the committee  could include the Pace Setter and redesigning the club web site. 


d.      Other Business: None



VIII.      Announcements

a.       Refreshments for April: Doug Bowden


  IX.      Adjourn:  A motion was made by Jim Tierney to adjourn at 8:51 PM, which was seconded by Ray Lee.  Motion passed.