Current HMRRC Hall of Fame Members


William Shrader Sr. 1991
Don Wilken 1999
Paul Rosenberg 1999
Dale Keenan 2000
Pat Glover 2000
Daniele Cherniak 2001
Bill Robinson 2001
Ed Neiles 2002
Ray Newkirk 2002
Anny Stockman 2003
Burke Adams 2003
Tom Bulger 2005
Ed Thomas 2006
Chris Rush 2006

hofbills.jpg hofdon.jpg hofpaul.jpg hofdale.jpg hofpat.jpg
Bill Shrader Sr.
Don Wilken
Paul Rosenberg
Dale Keenan
Pat Glover
djc.jpg hofbillr.jpg hofed.jpg hofray.jpg stocka.jpg
Daniele Cherniak
Bill Robinson
Ed Neiles
Ray Newkirk
Anny Stockman
Burke Adams
Tom Bulger
Ed Thomas
Chris Rush

Hall of Fame Committee


Chair:  Cindy Kelly


Voting Members:  Cindy Kelly, Bob McFarland, Lori Christina, Elaine Humphrey, Vice-President Nancy Briskie; Don Wilken, Paul Rosenberg, Dale Keenan, Pat Glover, Daniele Cherniak, Bill Robinson, Ray Newkirk, Ed Neiles, Anny Stockman, Burke Adams, Tom Bulger, Ed Thomas & Chris Rush.


(As adopted by committee May 1, 2002 -- Revised August 2005)
Membership of Committee:

Administrative: Made up of 5 members. The current HMRRC president plus four elected members who would have term limits of four years and have staggered appointments with one new appointment each year. A person can serve again but not 2 consecutive terms. The selection of a new member to the committee will occur by a vote of the current committee (both Administrative and Non-Administrative) members. Nominations will be accepted by the committee from any current committee member, and the vote will occur at the same time as the Hall of Fame vote.

Non-Administrative: All Current living members of the HMRRC Hall of Fame (HOF) (presently 13: Don Wilken, Paul Rosenberg, Dale Keenan, Pat Glover, Daniele Cherniak, Bill Robinson, Ray Newkirk, Ed Neiles, Anny Stockman, Burke Adams, Tom Bulger, Ed Thomas & Chris Rush.)

Process: The process of nominating and election will be conducted via Committee meetings and US Mail. The voting members are the administrative members plus the current HOF members. (16 in total for 2005) The committee will advertise in the Pacesetter as well as place notice on the web page that the HOF committee is looking for the names of recommended candidates. The general membership will be directed to mail the name of a potential candidate to the Chair of the committee. On July 1, 2005 a letter will be sent to all committee members requesting nominations. The names of potential candidates received via the mail from the general membership will be mailed to the voting members. Each voting member can submit the names of two individuals for consideration on the Hall of Fame ballot. In addition a member can submit the name of a single individual as a candidate for membership to the administrative committee. The names along with detailed supporting documentation, needs to be mailed to the administrative committee by the 23rd of July 2005. The administrative committee will host a meeting or meetings for all voting members on or around the 31st of August to discuss the merits of the 4-7 official candidates (see sub-commitee language under "Election" below). The purpose of this meeting is discussion, and is held to aid the voting members in the selection process. Although this is a voluntary meeting for HOF Committee members wishing to attend, they are strongly encouraged to attend in order that they may benefit from their colleagues' collective wisdom and experiences. The administrative committee will compile the list of names, and prepare the ballots. After this meeting the ballot along with any supporting documentation will be mailed to each member of the committee on or about September 1, 2005. The voting members have until the 20th of September to vote for up to 2 candidates. The committee encourages dialogue among the voting members. The voting members will also vote for one candidate to serve a 4 year term on the HOF committee.

Election: To be elected to the Hall of Fame a candidate will need to be named on 75% or more of the ballots returned to the committee. A five-person, Screening Sub-committee of the Hall of Fame Committee, consisting of three members of the HOF and two HOF Administrative members, will undertake an initial review of the dossiers of all nominated candidates and subsequently recommend 4 to 7 candidates to the entire HOF Committee. All HOF Committee members are encouraged to participate in all Screening Sub-committee's deliberations. This meeting will take place on or around by the 30th of July. To be elected to serve a 4 year term on the Hall of Fame Committee the individual receiving the highest total number of votes will be elected. The ballots will be counted by the administrative committee by the 30th of September and if a candidate receives the necessary 75% vote he/she will be inducted at the HMRRC banquet in January 2005. The chair of the administrative committee will take care of the proper notifications after the ballots are counted.

Selection Criteria for Induction:

The HMRRC Hall of Fame honors individuals who have earned extraordinary distinction as a member of the HMRRC(*). A candidate for the Hall of Fame should have been or continue to be an active member of the HMRRC. The candidate should be a recognized leader of the local running community in performance and/or service.

The guidelines used to select a candidate include (but are not limited) to the following:
  1. historical significance to the HMRRC.
  2. performance as a competitive runner in club races.
  3. noteworthy performance as a competitive runner at the local, regional, national, or international level.
  4. service to the club as an elected officer.
  5. service to the club as a staff member or writer for the Pacesetter over a period of time.
  6. service to the club or the larger running community as a race director.
  7. service, over an extended period of years, to multiple club functions as a volunteer.
  8. service, over an extended period of years, to local running functions.
  9. service to the club or larger running community as a mentor, coach, or educator of local runners.
10. service to the larger running community as an officer of local, regional, national, or international running organizations.

Historical notes:
(*)"or the larger running community" removed Aug 5, 2005

Revised December 22, 2005.